DVDs/Online Presentations/Documentaries

Upping the Bar on Inclusion for Autism Belize (note: there were some significant tech problems that disallowed use of slides, but Christy and I had fun, as we think did the audience).



Master Class—with Spanish translation—on Sex and the Autism Spectrum. From Argentina’s Panaacea.


The New Look at the Needs of Adults on the Autism Spectrum (translated in time to, and with slides in Spanish) from Venezuela’s Sovenia.


Reflecting On Our Understanding of Autism was a live webinar that aired on August 5, 2020. In celebration of the ADA’s 30th anniversary it was a production of NYU’s Office for Global Inclusion and Strategic Innovation. 60 min.


Online Presentation: “Old Ways vs. New Ways…” as the keynote for Malaysia’s first-ever autism initiative in 2018. 60 min.


Online Presentation- “Old Ways vs. New Ways.” The New Look at the Needs of Adults and Teens on the Autism Spectrum (presentation is a shortened 50-minute version of the September, 2017 Keynote address at the Asia Pacific Autism Conference, Sydney, Australia.)


Interviewed for the 2015 documentary about Darius McCollum, Off the Rails (I’m in the movie but not the linked trailer).


Online Presentation—Letting Go of Control and Rethinking Autistic Supports

Herein, I am admittedly only a player in what is Dr. Amy Laurents’ fabulous TED talk. 20 min. March 7, 2019 at URI


Online Presentation-“Old Ways vs. New Ways:” The New Look at the Needs of Adults and Teens on the Autism Spectrum. 180 min.


February 26, 2016 at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. For Part 2, click here; and for Part 3, click here.


Online Presentation-Controversy, Stigma, and Inflexibility: Ethical Conundrums of the Autism/Asperger World released summer, 2011. I was the recipient of Columbia University’s Center for Bioethics’ Herbert Cohen Lecture. 120 min.


Video of an April 12, 2011 Presentation at Columbia University, New York, NY


DVD+Online Presentation-Guide for College Professors released late 2007. 17 min. A collaboration between GRASP, and the Organization for Autism Research. One of three on-camera hosts as well as the writer


PBS’s POV-“Neurotypical”-Outtakes released 2013. One of two subjects.


Panel on “The Many Definitions of Neurodiversity, Neurodivergence, and Inclusion.” Spectrum Theatre Ensemble, 2021.


Panel (Moderator): “Spectrum Parenting, and Parenting on the Spectrum.” Spectrum Theatre Ensemble, 2021.


Interview on Employment issues for Australia’s “Autism Explained” summit, 2019.


Engaging ‘The Brat'” Interview/Lecture for educators hosted by The Ed Factory. Questions derived from the 2019 article, “The Brat in Your Classroom.” 2021


Sex ed interview with Neurodiversity Press Publisher, Jill Studnicki. 2021.


DVD-Understanding Asperger’s Syndrome for Managers and Colleagues released summer 2012. On-camera narrator of a training webinar for corporations (For purchase please contact ASTEP at 212.839.0030. Or to view the trailer, please click here)



DVD+Online Presentation-A Guide to Dorm Living released late 2009. A collaboration between GRASP, and the Organization for Autism Research (OAR). One of three on-camera hosts as well as the writer. (As yet unreleased)


DVD-UJA’s Disabilities Forum released late 2007. One of three subjects taped while speaking on a panel (The video exists somewhere. Contact the UJA at 212.980.1000)


Documentary-On the Spectrum released 2006. One of four people spotlighted in this documentary made by Isabel and Nathalie Dziobek.


Moderated by Cindy VandenBosch, Virtual Accessibility: Challenges and Opportunities was aired on June 1, 2020. Panelists included autism advocate, consultant, and author Michael John Carley, Hearing Loss Association of America-NYC board member Ruth Bernstein, Nefertiti Matos Olivares from the Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library of the New York Public Library, and Meredith Wong, Manager of connect2culture at CaringKind, a community resource for Alzheimer’s and dementia care in NYC. 70 min.


Small appearances in other documentaries, such as Lizzie Gottleib’s Today’s Man.